Book Scene: Need a New Years Resolution? Try these books out | Arts and entertainment



It is now 2022 and with the New Year many of us look to the future as we try to improve ourselves. It’s an inherently optimistic thing, and we all need an extra dose of optimism these days! With that in mind, here at Inklings, we’d like to share some ideas for books that might help you fulfill your New Year’s resolutions.

• Vogue Knitting: The Learn-to-Strick-Book from Vogue Knitting Magazine

Making hobbies is a popular resolution, and knitting is one of the most accessible of all. Vogue has been prolific in its knitting instructions over the past few years. The color photos are chic and professional, and the directions are concise. The book has great guides on all of the basic stitches, first stitches, and cast-offs with photos of each step with perfectly color-coordinated backgrounds so you can easily see the seams.

Following instructions for the stitches, the book offers samples for some basic items of clothing, ranks them one to three according to degrees of difficulty and presents them elegantly and stylishly. This is a great book from authors who are obviously passionate about enabling their readers to create clothes with a personal touch that they will love.

• “The body keeps the score” by Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk

This book was on our bestselling shelf for most of 2020, and for good reason. It is lifelong research into psychological trauma written into a poignant and emotionally stirring book. This is great read for anyone who feels that they are now unable to process something from their past and want to change that. It provides an understanding of how trauma affects people differently and explains how treatments for overcoming trauma have evolved over the past 50 years. The written reports on various therapy topics will move you to tears and show you how resilient the human mind is.

• “The Shift: 7 Powerful Mindset Changes for Sustained Weight Loss” by Gary Foster

Written by the Chief Scientific Officer of WW (formerly Weight Watchers), this book explains the mindset behind the success stories. These mindset tools are really great for almost any task that is daunting or requires dedication. Each chapter focuses on a separate tool: self-compassion; Accept setbacks; Setting small, specific goals; recognize and use inner strengths; Appreciate your body (where you are right now); Get help from people around you; and experience happiness where you are right now.

This is not a book of exercises and recipes, but it does offer something that may be more important because it is the enduring mindset that turns a New Year’s resolution into a real change for the better. This book is good enough that it could be used for weight loss, but then take the same approach to writing a novel or starting a business.

Happy New Year from the booksellers here at Inklings. 2022 promises to be a year of transition and we look forward to helping our readers navigate the changes of the coming year. Remember, taking the time to read more books is a perfectly valid solution too!

• “The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel Van Der Kolk was published in 2014 by Penguin Random House. It costs $ 19 in paperback.

• Vogue Knitting: The Learn-to-Strick-Book by Vogue Knitting Magazine was published in July 2020 by Sixth & Spring Books. It costs $ 22.95 (full color illustrated paperback).

• The Shift: 7 Powerful Mindset Changes for Lasting Weight Loss by Gary Foster was published October 5th by St. Martin’s Press. It costs $ 28.99 in hardcover.

• Tony Hoffart works for Inklings Bookshop. He and other Inklings staff review books in the field every week.



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